Ubomi: Coffee with a kick and a wink
Packaging design, Brand identity
Sure, you can have your coffee black, white, or with a trendy twist. But when Rohlík.cz asked us to create Ubomi, we knew it had to be something that would turn heads and maybe raise an eyebrow or two.

Unmasking the concept
In a world of bland coffee packaging, Ubomi needed to stand out, especially online where you only get a split second to catch someone’s eye. So, we brewed up the idea of tribal masks, each one inspired by the rich history of coffee from around the world. These masks, crafted from ground coffee, give each pack its own unique flair. Some nod to tradition, others play with imagination, but all are unmistakably Ubomi.

Stirring things up
Ubomi isn’t here to just sit quietly on the shelf. With bold colours and striking mask designs, this coffee is ready to shake up your morning/ afternoon/ evening routine (we don’t judge). Even the Organic range got a cool, earthy look that shouts “sustainably crafted with care and style.” Ubomi is coffee packaging that doesn’t just talk the talk – it walks the walk, making a bold statement with every bag.

Sipping on style
Ubomi’s design may look straightforward at first but look closer. Hand-drawn typefaces, playful bean arrangements, and custom icons that tell you everything you need to know—like the fact that Ubomi’s capsules are 100% home-compostable. Because when it comes to coffee, it’s the little things that make all the difference.